Friday, July 13, 2007

Favorites from the past

I have too many favorites. So here are just a few.


Erin said...

These are great pictures!

That picture of the mountain really catches my eye. It is so beautiful! Great job!

pat said...

Gaye--Love the pink lupine standing out amongst all the blue ones--great composition. That Hawaiian bouquet was so exotic and stunning; those colors are amazing. Love the mountain. And, the look on your face with your Kidlets is priceless.

Tenay Jo said...

I love the pictures of the flowers! They are beautiful. Are they from your yard? If so, you are very lucky to have such pretty colors in your garden.

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

These are all wonderful! I can see why they are some of your favorites.

periwinkle eye images said...

YES! Flowers 'n family - nothing better. And your photography shows how much you love both. Like Pat said, only a grandmother could have a proud, satisfied and glowing expression as you do in that pic. The lupine is heavenly. ML